Thursday, November 26, 2009

Well the stale chips are up and the hopes stakes are down; it's all these ignorant faces that bring this town down

And here we are, another morning. This one is different to previous mornings however - the sky is gray. LIkE ** OmGZZZ. It's cold too. Winter has finally caught up with me in Southern Spain, after two Springs, two Summers...and I guess a couple of unnoticed Autumns.

So far the day has already been special, I had a coffee (heated up in the mircowave), wrote to my Dad, had a shower, and then made my flatmate stare at my breasts to check that nipple can't be seen through my top. The day will only get better from here, I'm positive.

Today I get to teach my 16 year olds about 'reported speech'; isn't it fantastic that schools in English speaking countries don't teach their students about how grammar works? Yeah, it's bloody fantastic that Spanish teenagers know more about ENGLISH grammar than I knew at their age...erm...well, more than I knew....last year. Oh but hey! My English lessons in High School and University were valuable, I know how to psychoanalyse the shit out of shit. This post, for example, is my literary representation of my traumatic journey through the birthing canal. Ew.

This time next month I'll be in the Netherlands. Toma!

Photo: Geoffrey Barrenger

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